Is God In Our Feelings?

As a child, I was always told that I was too sensitive and over emotional.  I grew up thinking that my emotions were a negative part of me, and I was not able to see God in that part of me at all.  But, if I am fearfully and wonderfully made and created in His image, then God does play a part in my sensitivity and emotions.  Now I know there is a clear difference between feeling God through our sanctified emotions and living in the flesh out of our unsanctified emotions.  I’m sure we can all agree that there have been times in our lives where we were living through our unsanctified emotions, dwelling in and reaching out of an extreme emotional state.  But we can all say there are times in our lives where we have felt God THROUGH our emotions.  I believe if you are not able to “feel” and “release” your emotions, then you can hinder yourself from “feeling” God.  

Allow me to explain.  I am sure every one of us has had at least one encounter with God, an encounter where the Holy Spirit is so heavy we can actually FEEL Him, be it through goose bumps, weeping, laughing, complete awe, wind, fire, etc…BUT if we are only looking for the AHA moment, the thick cloud of His glory moment, the shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit moment, (Which don’t get me wrong, I long for those too.  Those times are amazing!), then we will miss Him in the little things.  

Can you feel Him in the birds you hear outside your window when you first awake in the morning?   Can you feel Him in the hug you get from your child, your spouse or a loved one?  Can you feel Him from the smile you get from the cashier at the grocery store?  Can you feel Him when the sun beats down and warms your body as you walk outside, or in the rain that comes down and makes you want to just hang out with the ones that you love?  Can you feel Him as you see a lightning strike while flying on a plane in the sky?   What about feeling Him in the sadness you feel when your child scrapes a knee, or you lose your job, or a loved one passes away?  You guys, God is in everything!!!  He is everywhere!!!  He is there in our joy and sadness.   He is there in our strengths and weaknesses.  I have gone through periods in my life where I asked, “Where are you, God?  I can’t feel you!”  But, I am quickly reminded of how close He is in everything around me.  

I know quite a few people that have grown up not being able to “feel”, which has to some degree made them a little less sensitive to feeling the Holy Spirit.  They know how to say the right words and do the right actions, but they are not engaged in their true feelings.  They do not know how to “feel” their feelings.  They wear a mask to protect themselves from any feelings that would make them dig deep inside themselves.  There is no true depth in their lives, in their relationships with their spouses, children, friends, or even more importantly with God.   They miss out on “feeling” God in everything around them.  Their spirits cry out for more, and the Lord says, “I am right here!  Can’t you see me?”  I am burdened for the hearts that need to be healed so they can “feel” again.  I am burdened for the hearts of those seeking after “the face on the floor” encounters and pray they will start to feel Him in everything and everywhere.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to waste another minute “not feeling” where He is.

If you are in a place where you can’t feel God, ask Him to show you where He is. Ask him to break down any barriers and heal any wounds that are in the way of feeling Him and seeing Him. He is faithful and He loves you. 

Leandra B.

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