The Value of Tears

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”Psalms 56:8 NLT

As far as scientists can tell, humans are the only species on earth that shed tears for emotional reasons. The Lord honors tears; He keeps every one of them in a jar and writes the reason for them in a book, because they are valuable to Him.
There is something valuable about crying. We cry when we share moments of happiness with others, at times of goodbyes, and at the loss of those who are precious to us. Tears enable us to get in touch with our deepest feelings. Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:35). He also wept over the city of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41). I have come to believe tears are a gift of grace from God, and their fruit is always joy. (Psalms 30:5 B)
“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.” Isak Dinesen
True weeping comes from the heart and shows that it is open and tender.  That is probably why so many people are embarrassed to cry. Most people, especially men, do not want to reveal their vulnerability, but there is power in being vulnerable.
In my own experience this has been true. Out of the blue I had a dream that I was talking to my estranged father about our family, and in the dream he got frustrated and walked out. I was heartbroken over the matter so I dropped to my knees and began to weep… and I mean really weep. I was watching myself in the 3rd person and I said out loud, “I wish I could do this in real life.”  I then woke up at peace with the matter. One day later my father called me and the conversation lasted a week. It was very unpleasant, but it got us back to neutral ground.
“Weep with those who weep.” -Romans 12:15b
“But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” -1 Corinthians 12:24-26
Many of us have experienced the freedom crying with others can bring. Think of the great global funerals of Elvis Presley, Princess Diana and Mother Teresa where millions around the world came together in a common experience of grief. When Job’s three friends went to see him, they tore their clothes and wept with him (Job 2:11-13).
If you see a part of the body in pain or trouble don’t avoid them. Visit them. Share in their sufferings.
Ecclesiastes 3:4a says, “There is a time to cry and a time to laugh.”

This is not just for some of us but for all of us. If it is a time of weeping for a brother or sister let’s not be indifferent about it, but let’s suffer with them. If it’s a time of rejoicing, let’s not miss out, but rejoice with them.

“All through time, the weeping of tears has been a sign of the mystical experiences of saints and repentant sinners. These moments can transcend what the mind can comprehend; tears are a response of the heart”. -Frederic & Mary Ann Brussat

“Weep. With many tears Weep. Not just because you are sad but because tears are valuable in heaven”–Ian Turner

Ian Turner

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